Tuesday, May 28, 2013

what is the difference between the standard of living and the quality of live in the country where you have spent most of your life.


                      In the country were I'm from Haiti ,The population's of standard  living is good for some people.Some of them have a lot of money as the politicians they don't care about the populations , they have insurrance . They can eat everyday ,But they're not happy at all because of insecurity . A lot of young people died in my country last year because they couldn't eat , they have problem economics they went to steal in people houses and the population killed them. Furthermore the politician don't help the country they see only themselves and their family . People see that there is no way out than try to go to a foreign country illegally as the United States . Sometimes they get cought and sent back home.But they still continue of doing it Because United States offer a lot of advantage than backhome.Even with no paper they can find something to do and get some money.I feel bad for the people in Haiti, my country .Because some of them are trying to live but they get rob or killed by some politicians ........This is how life is in my country .

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Courtesy: Key to a Happier World
Thesis: Life’s difficulties would be minimized if people were more courteous to each other.

I. Basic ingredients of good manners
A. Justice
B. Empathy.
C- Capacity to treat all people alike.

II. Three ways to improve one’s manners
A. Practice courtesy
1. Think in a courteous way.
2. Don’t let others’ bad manners make you rude
B.Improving your manners is to think in a courteous way.
C. Be able to accept courtesy

Conclusion. Politeness is the golden rule in action.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Title : as it was in the beginning.

         Esther love Laurence so much , that she came on his room one day . While he was sleeping , She get on her knee and admired his pretty face and his yellow hair . By thinking about what father Paul did to her she felt like kill his loved one . She stick Laurence wrist with a poisoning arrow and run away

Title ; The Aunt ant the Gasshopper.

         According to Lafontaine the Ant save  provisions for the future , and the Grasshopper were singing and enjoying life so when winter come the Gasshopper did not have anything to eat and come to ask food from the Ant .There is an Idiom that says ;"Who laugh first cry at last"  but sometimes it is the reverse in life . That what happen   in the Maugham ' story . George was a hard worker and Tom was very lazy and rely on people help . Sometimes in life people who work hard never get a good reward , you try to live a good life, respect people but at last everything turn bad for you . Have you ever seen that in class students who work hard in class never had a good grade and the others who cheat have the best grade ever . This is what made Georges  Jealous  about Tom  because he is been working hard for his whole life and Tom was like the Grasshopper did not take anything for granted, and he became rich and Georges was at the same level he was before .
 Becarefull about life sometimes what you think going to happen not really happen .

Title : as it was in the beginning.

         Esther love Laurence so much , that she came on his room one day . While he was sleeping , She get on her knee and admired his pretty face and his yellow hair . By thinking about what father Paul did to her she felt like kill his loved one . She stick Laurence wrist with a poisoning arrow and run away .

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Ant and the Grasshopper


                 According to Lafontaine the Ant save  provisions for the future , and the Grasshopper were singing and enjoying life so when winter come the Gasshopper did not have anything to eat and come to ask food from the Ant .There is an Idiom that says ;"Who laugh first cry at last"  but sometimes it is the reverse in life . That what happen   in the Maugham ' story . George was a hard worker and Tom was very lazy and rely on people help . Sometimes in life people who work hard never get a good reward , you try to live a good life, respect people but at last everything turn bad for you . Have you ever seen that in class students who work hard in class never had a good grade and the others who cheat have the best grade ever . This is what made Georges  Jealous  about Tom  because he is been working hard for his whole life and Tom was like the Grasshopper did not take anything for granted, and he became rich and Georges was at the same level he was before .
 Becarefull about life sometimes what you think going to happen not really happen .

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tears at Marine-Stay trial


Title: Tears at Marine - Slay trial .

Author :Nancy Dillon. 

        A 25 years old Brooklyn Marine Pietrzak  and his wife were found dead in their  house four years ago . According to Nancy Dillon they beat the young man and sexually assalt his wife . She also claims that a gang of four fellow  marine are behind this crime "they took bank cards, Jewelry, got juice from the refrigerator and tried to put fire on the house".Said authorities . The Mother's young men is finally appeared in California courtroom  on Monday asking for Justice .

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Friendship Bond.


1-Social critics expect people  to be dissatisfied with their friendship . Because of high mobility , they keep moving around  they do not have time to make friends . So they prefere to stay alone with no friends .

1b-The critics' expectations are wrong . So, somewhere on the story it says :Most people satisfied with their friendship .

2-The five qualities people say that are most important on a friendship are :Loyalty , Ability to keep confidences , Warmth , Affection , and Supportiveness .

2b - No , I'll put confidences first . Loyalty , warmth , affection , and supportiveness .

3-Betrayed , and discovering that a friend had very different views on issues the respondent felt were important .

3b- Betrayed ,if  you have a friend he/she betrayed you there's no friendship .

4- They are : Trust , Confident , right to ask for help .

4b-Trust play a big role in a friendship . If you can not trust your friend , you can not rely on that person too when you need help . That is mean n friendship.

5-The right to ask for help , confide in each other .

5b- Yes ,


6b-yes .It is depend of the situation , if you have a friend he/she ask you to going to robb a bank with him/her ill say no . Because this is my personality ,my life is in danger  i'll refuse. but if I can help or convince him/her to do not go to robb the bank i'll . Nobody can make me do something that I don't want to do .

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

As it was in the beginning.

    3-What ended Esther homesickness? Do you find this quick change in her believable?

Have you ever have homesickness? This is something that can happen to anybody who is very far from their home country . You fight to get back home . Someone or something hold you . When you see something from your hometown , you feel like crying . You remember your friends , families , Your childhood . You dream about them but you can not do anything about it . You just stand here , stare at the problem until you find a resolution . Here is a story about a young woman who had home sickness .

Esther is a young woman , she left her country and her family to become a missionary . But she always has homesickness . One day she went in a store , she saw an indian come to the North with a large pack of buckskin . She stayed and breath the good smell , than she remember her country , her childhood . She ran to the mission house and begged Father Paul to let her go home if only for a day . He refused her request .Since that day , she always sad ,sitting alone somewhere and remembered her country sight .

One day a gentlemen name Laurence , Father's Paul Nephew fell in love with Esther . When father Paul heard the news he convince him to do not marry Esther , someone who can get back in her home country one day . She overheard the conversation . “what where his years of kindness and care now?” she said .

Father Paul was educating her has a missionary , Because of what he said to Laurence about her .She felt like Father Paul is not a saint . She is not care about what he used to say about heaven , hell . Father Paul robbed her life , this love could have make her a great woman . Could probably end her homesickness .Who knows , she would probably not under Father's Paul government .She could go home with Laurence and come back to the mission.All those hope run away from her .

Thinking about all those thing , Esther decided to make Him cry . One day while Laurence slept on his room , Esther came into the room and get on her knee . She look at his pretty face “how I love him ,How I worship him “ she said .In Esther mind if she can not be with Laurence, nobody going to be with him .She brought an arrow , but she decided to just scratch him with the arrow and run away .

Esther homesickness has been end , after Laurence revealed his love for her or after she felt a love for Laurence. She also went home Because She said she was sitting with her Mom on the Buffalo – hide. Talking about her Father . This is a proof that she went home . That is also end her home sickness .

Friday, March 15, 2013

Easiest birth order

      Every family is different regarding birth order.Some family the middle one is very happy,they have oldest taking care of them,they do not have the same pressure like the oldest one.in some familly is different.

     The most difficult life is for the Oldest one,he is under pressure for his whole life,always care about the youngest.Parents are also expected a lot from them,the youngest is expected is also expected love,money or something.


Therefore the most easier life come to the only child.He/She does not have sibbling to think about.no worry about life,because they know their parents can take care of them.They might think about some family if they want to help.But sometimes the only child are  also self-fish.




Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Homework birth other

      Everybody dreams about having family,live in family is the best thing in the world.Sometimes it used to have a little conflict between the children.when you've been spendind 10 years or more as an only child,after your parents get another child you become jealous of the other.That is how it is in familly.Does it weird to be jealous of your sisters or brothers?

      My youngest sister was 8 years old when my Mom has her last child, which is my little brother.But before the youngest one was born,she was the jewelery and also the baby of the family.Everytime my Mom went out,she always bring something for her:cookies,juice or something.not only my Mom almost everybody.She was spoiled,annoying sometimes.

       After my Mom had  my little brother,everything has changed.She cried when my Mom gave birth to my youngest brother.Because she knows what going to happen.Now my litte brother take her place,and she started act like the oldest regarding my little brother.She also start knowing what kind of pressure we had on us as oldest and middle children.As Lucille K.Forrer says"Parents treat the child in accordance to his place in the family"That is so true,me as the middle child regarding of my youngest brother and sister I have more pressure than them.My Mom is expected a lot from me,she told me one day that I have to set an example for my youngest sibling.

     When I look at the author idea about birth order,comparing to my family.There is not a big difference.It is seems like the author grew up on a extended family,that is why she wrote about birth oder and everything she says about each,Oldest,middle,youngest it is true.